The average house price on LEVISHAM CLOSE is £395,905
The most expensive house in the street is 1 LEVISHAM CLOSE with an estimated value of £455,057
The cheapest house in the street is 6 LEVISHAM CLOSE with an estimated value of £287,054
The house which was most recently sold was 7 LEVISHAM CLOSE, this sold on 27 Sep 2023 for £335,000
The postcode for LEVISHAM CLOSE is TS18 5AZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached £455,057 £155,000 7 May 2002
3 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached , 159 m2 £414,754 £300,000 15 Jan 2016
4 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached , 165 m2 £376,548 £287,500 3 Feb 2017
5 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached £446,113 £260,000 28 Sep 2006
6 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached , 184 m2 £287,054 £75,000 7 Apr 2000
7 LEVISHAM CLOSE Detached , 143 m2 £335,000 27 Sep 2023